Department of Physics started functioning right from the beginning of the college i.e 1968. The groups offered are BSc with MPC, MPE and MPCs with sanctioned intake of 90 seats. For MPE and MPCs the medium of instruction being English and several hundreds and thousands of students became graduate from this institution. The department is very proud to announce that the science graduates in this institution are serving the Nation with good subject background supplemented by strong Practical Knowledge. The department is equipped with well furnished Laboratory, e-class room and Reading room. The department library serves as a reference location where the students can clarify their doubts. There are 6 Teaching posts – 5 for Physics and 1 for electronics and 3 non teaching posts. All the teaching Faculty are well experienced, dedicated and working towards all round development of Students.


To build foundation for excellence and spur development of the Institution as a premier Institution, by igniting and nurturing enthusiasm, interests and passion in the study of Physics.


To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in theory and in practical Physics, through dedication to teaching, commitment to students and innovative instructional methods.

To support the developmental activities of the college and make the department vibrant.

To demonstrate a high level of competence in the study of Physics.

To introduce pioneering programs in the department that will increase the values to the Institution.

To produce graduates of committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge horizons in range and depth.

To sustain efficient operating systems towards realization of our objectives, as Institution of eminence.